Discover your Potential - Pursue your Passion and Purpose

Do you feel that you have lot of energy within but unable to channel it towards your goals?

We have a practical, repeatable, scientific approach for you to open up the channels of energy within to realize your passion.

Are you currently unable to?

  • Translate your ideas into action
  • Realize your purpose in this world
  • Pursue your dreams
  • Maximize your productivity
  • Develop clarity and focus
  • Create road map for your life
  • Go past mental blockages
  • Be authentic and confident
  • Come out of your bubble
  • Stop putting yourself down

Our program is a one-stop solution for manifesting your inner potential and create the life of your dreams.

Discover your Potential

You are not this finite body & mind, but a Source of pure energy

Each one of us come into this word with a unique purpose full of energy and creativity. However, conditioning of environment and our inner self-destructive patterns block that potential to take charge of your life.

The masks that we wear to pretend in the world blocks the field of energy generated in trillions of cells.

Our experiential program will melt the masks of fake and frail conditioned personas to reveal your authentic self.

This is a unique program where you will sit in the driver’s seat and take charge of your destiny. We do not want to share another theory or framework, but to assist you visualize and experience your best version and highest calling.

You will unravel the infinite creative mind beyond the walls of inner conditioning and social norms.

Are you ready to become an unstoppable force to channel your potential for realizing your life path?

Are you ready to leave your footprint and legacy for generations to come?
Our Hands on, deep dive program will assist you with this.

The Experiential Program!

We recommend our effortless, guaranteed, result-oriented program.
Our Self-empowerment program will bring results in few hours and surprise you to reveal the side of you that you have never met filled with irresistible enthusiasm and fearlessness.
We connect you to the powerhouse of energy within to help you channel the ideas into action for peak productivity.
You will make a conscious choice in every step of your journey towards achieving the results.
You will become a witness of your unfathomable growth in this experiential program.
We can help you unleash your passion. Your Purpose will come to you. Your Passion will drive you.
We have transformed and created many budding Entrepreneurs, Business Moguls, Ambassadors of Nations, Medical Professionals, Artists, Technocrats and Executives in public and private organizations to reach their highest potential while using their growth to transform the organizations and society through their immense contributions.
You will become free from the traps of fear and attain freedom to execute your ideas into invincible action.
Are you ready to reveal your passion and purpose with phenomenal energy and clarity?

Olympian Athlete Monzavous Edwards

  • Subtle Exercises to open channels of energy.
  • Simple Breathing Exercises to clear mental blockages.
  • Effortless Ancient Healing Meditation to release the source of potential.
  • Allow Pure Vibrations of energy to push you to the limits.
Immediate outcomes:
  • Higher physical energy levels
  • Crystal clear clarity of Mind
  • Laser Focus& Productive
  • Recharged and re-energized

This program will reveal your authentic self behind the masks of conditioning.
Are you ready to become an indomitable force to reach the pinnacles of your passion?
This program teaches you how!
Join two world-class teachers, Ancient Sage Sunita and Dr.Suman, and let them take you on a subtle yet powerful journey to heal stress and illness!

Milos Campbell, Assistant Department Chair, Faculty of Arts

How you will Benefit


Clear the masks of delusion and reveal
the pure energy. Translate
ideas to actions
with peak productivity


End the mind that wavers and build
laser focus for a crystal
clear vision and
incomparable results


Develop a daily practice and mindset to dive into creating and innovating at will immaterial of any distractions and chaos around

Get all these benefits from ‘One’ program

Your Mentors

Master Sunita

  • Transformational Agent.
  • Nurtured thousands across the globe.
  • Lives Compassion in Action.
  • Pioneered one of a kind Healing program.
  • Champion of Overall Wellbeing.
  • Rare combination of Science & Wisdom.
  • Cuts through ambiguity.
  • Empowers all age groups.
  • Ignites Human potential & purpose.
  • Navigates change in complex environments.

Dr. Suman Kollipara

Medical Disclaimer

The information contained in these topics is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, it is provided for educational purposes only.Never disregard the advice of a medical professional, or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website
You assume full responsibility for how you choose to use this information.Under no circumstances is Peace Tree Innovations Societyor its staff and Directors are responsible for the claims of your health issues.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment. Talk with your healthcare provider about any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
The content in the website is not intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment.

Please sign up for the online Course below:

8 Steps to Enlightenment


Book a Consultation with Sunita Amma

1 hr Video consultation with Ancient Sage Sunita Amma could change your life. A rare opportunity to be in the presence of an ancient sage who is an embodiment of pure healing vibrations. This 1hr session can:

  • Unravel insights about yourself
  • Reveal your hidden potential
  • Open up channels of creativity
  • Destroy the delusion of emotional baggage
  • Empower you to be on the top of your game