will be presenting how to ‘Re:Invent Human Potential’ at the Innovatiest conference of the year on Sep 20th in the City of Calgary to transform Cities & Municipalities in Canada from within. Transforming Resource to Source, Beautifying Inner Landscape to create Outer Landscape of Cities, Diving into Microcosm to Build Macrocosm. Sookshma all the way to Re:Design Cities. We all have untapped potential beyond the Mind and Body, that when experienced triggers a Nuclear reaction within to make life & its skills useful for greater meaning and purpose. Re:Design, Re:Think, Re:Invent, Re:Build, Re:Work, Re:juvenate, Re:Charge, Re:Energize.
#energy #wellness #mindfulness #wisdom #meditation #healing #empower #resources #mic2018 #calgary #cityofcalgary